Explore the grim fantasy and fantastical grimness of bestselling author JACK STEVENSON's FIENDISH FATES series.
These immersive adventure gamebooks are windows into worlds of adventure where YOU ARE THE HERO, and ludonarrative laureate JACK STEVENSON is your world-weaving warrior-poet!
Embark on adventures far beyond your imagination - but not beyond HIS.
Original and irreplaceable, the series that started it all! Since the early nineties author JACK STEVENSON's lone genius has carved a path for other gamebooks to follow.
(For purposes of intellectual property FIENDISH FATES was in development since early 1979)
keep hold of your first editions, they'll be worth £££/$$$ one day!
to purchase signed first editions send a stmped address envelope and money order to [[invalid address]].
Ever eager to reach delicious new minds and wallets, in the late nineties JACK STEVENSON innovates yet further by originating the unprecedented and innovational FIENDISH FATES HOTLINE, where for just $.39/min plus taxes and fees you can experience first hand the FIENDISHNESS complete with riveting 16-bit audio and even hear from JACK HIMSELF! Grab a pencil, eraser, graph paper, dice, coins and slide rule and ask permission from the bill payer and PREPARE FOR PERIL!
In his eternal search for new outlets for his torrid genius JACK STEVENSON is embarking on a new journey into VIRTUAL REALITY this will be his greatest and most complete vision yet WATCH THIS SPA
Jack Stevenson was born in the inauspicious environs of Birmingham sometime in the second half of a cursèd century. He soon transcended his pedestrian upbringing and accent by escaping into realms of THE FANTASTIC and was soon taking friends, colleagues and loved ones with him on journeys of maddening possibility.
Copyright © 1997 JACK STEVENSON - All Rights RESERVED in PERPETUITY. The moral right of JACK STEVENSON to be acknowledged as AUTHOR and CREATOR of Fiendish Fates and all associated media, outputs, outlets, brands, stationery, "tote bags" and videogames, shall not and can not be disputed.
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My intern informs me that a web site must now use "cookies" to detect visitors, suck up their precious data like so much liquified brain matter and submit it to the great god Google. By accepting, you hereby accept all terms, claims and assertions made on this site and renounce all intellectual rights to any content within now and in perpetuity. - J.S.